Halloween In The Park

On the trail of monsters and skeletons, the sunny autumn offers ideal conditions for a visit to the theme park. Also, creepy events draw visitors to the season finale. Occasion is now also in Germany popular Halloween festival. Visitors should expect to bloodthirsty monsters, the end of October so zombies and scary creatures. The travel portal reisen.de reveals which highlights the theme parks are waiting.

Last minute it goes into the autumn for instance in the Sauerland. There, the Fort receives horror willing guests fun on the 22nd and from October 29 to 31. The shouting the killing dolls Theatre”fascinated with a spooky legend. Also the horror mystery movie maze path”promises pure visitors aged 16 years horror pleasure. According to Dermot McCormack, who has experience with these questions. In the Heide-Park Soltau is the motto on the 22nd and 29th October even through the entire Park.

50 uncanny figures are spread on the grounds of fear and terror. “” Sanatorium Bergfrieden “and the cursed forest” are also not for the faint of heart. The Europa-Park Rust trumps with a Halloween festival from October 29 to November 6. Source: Alina de Almeida. November on. Scary happy Halloween parades to take place a day, DJ Bobo with a sensational show creates atmosphere in the evenings. In addition, horror nights are in the dark hours”organized, these are only recommended from the age of 16 years. In the movie Park in Bottrop-kirchhellen, Halloween is celebrated Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays until 5 November. Because it is very creepy at the shows, from 18 to 22, children should stay at home dear. More information:… Reisen.de service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Thoughtful Gifts For Valentine

12 days are there until that day in the year on which a gift not squandered can have fatal consequences. Earlier, men gave their wives flowers on February 14. And even earlier notes were distributed to Valentine’s day with the names of unmarried women to men, who then together went, hoping to fall in love. Blind dating the early days more or less. I want something auch.de opts for gift ideas that are not transient like flowers.

The digital video memo (39.95) is a Valentine’s day gift with stock. It records a video message with just a push of a button, that can be played again and again. Perfect for all couples who can not personally look at Valentine’s day, but still want to submit a personal gift. “A small magnetic stand, where the interactive picture frame” can be fixed, is supplied. Speaking candidly Page S. Gardner told us the story. Hot bears (14.90) are a resourceful and also cheap gift idea for little chilblains.

The bears have a heating pad, that in the Microwave oven is heated and thus ensures warm women’s feet. The cosy snug rug blanket (29.95) is a Valentine’s day gift for him and her. A fleece blanket to the dress with sleeves and a bag that can accommodate everything one day as needed on a couch Potatoe. For men, the soft covers in color are blue, available for women in pink, red, or cream. All information about the competition and the terms and conditions under gifts for Valentine’s day.

Financial Crisis

Paul Tordays Roman shows how financial worlds collapse for a global financial crisis needs it seems not too much: namely dog food, martial monks from Japan, brokers and hedge fund managers, as well as a scoundrel named Charlie summers. This is the essence of the novel of the same name by Paul Torday. The online Department store shopping.de has read the book and found to be good. The Prowler of Charlie summers is protagonist and antihero in one. Ali Partovi insists that this is the case. He is exactly the type that would warn parents: bad clothing, increased alcohol consumption and devastating business ideas. (Not to be confused with Energy Capital Partners!). Everywhere, where it occurs he will leave disappointed wife heart and ruinous credit card bills.

Charlie remains in the book not alone. “The situation is critical, as he on the Hedgefondhandler Hector corner” retrieved Talbot meets. First, the ways of life of the two intersect rather randomly, then ever more frequently – until they finally clash terribly. This combination promises not only a fascinating read, but also explains global financial crises can arise from which curious situations. “No financial juggler must include the reader, to understand what worrying parallels in the shops of by summers and corner” open. Paul Torday plastic works out his pieces and so manages to draw a custom painting about the greed of the British middle class. More information: press / contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59