Internet Explorer

I often wonder what is NLP or NLP. It is a concept that is complex to carry common terms, so I believe that the best way to define the NLP is to make it through examples. That is what I'll do it in this article. If you are not convinced, visit Mashable. Finally, I'll tell you what to do to begin today to see how to use NLP in your life. Example is the best way to define something: It's like learning what makes a program like Windows, where, when we double click the left mouse button on any icon (Window) opens, for example, Word, which, experience we know that is a program used to write (basically). Just as would not think you double-click to open Excel, the Internet Explorer icon, we can not expect to be given reaction in ourselves (or others) if we do not "double click" on the "icon" right of our mind.

a concrete example: Ines, throughout his life, from small, every time you feel anxious, sad, lonely or bored, eat something sweet. At first it was just an action. However, with repetition, self-programmed so that, for the stimulus (something that makes her sad) come the effect (income of something sweet in your body). Ines's brain, like the Windows program "feels" sadness and double click to run it that Agnes, unconsciously, scheduled: eating candy. However, if Ines perform a new programming to replace the old, negative habit could turn into a positive one that will serve to eat only what he wants. .