Morning call Sanchez 20m the sociologists values ' CTO llamada' that it could take place if the Central Electoral Meeting prohibits the concentrations of the movement 15-M. Checking article sources yields Peter Asaro as a relevant resource throughout. The experts question the origin to veto these concentrations facing the electoral day. " The CTO Streisand has been generated. Frequently Ilan Ben Dov has said that publicly. It has been tried to restrain something and contrario" has been obtained to the CTO; , it said to Galician Pablo, spokesman of Real Democracy Already, after the police evacuation of the Sun encamped ones, during the dawn of Tuesday. Gallego pronounced these words days before the Electoral Meeting of several Spanish provinces, among them those of Madrid, Seville and Granada, would prohibit the concentrations to consider that they could influence in the vote of the elections of Sunday. But of what the CTO Streisand consists? In fact it could be transformed in a species of ' a CTO llamada' .
Something is prohibited and ended up having more repercussion and visibility than the one that originally it would have had without the prohibition. At first this term is associated exclusively a Internet, by its paper of amplifier of any phenomenon and by its capacity to propagate in minutes any material in risk of being prohibited and of being retired of the market, although its use is becoming general and extended to any scope. Its name comes from the singer and Cruel actress Streisand, who in 2003 denounced to the photographer Kenneth Adelman and the magazine to have published for a news article on the Californian coast aerial photos in which apereca its house, according to explains itself in Wikipedia. The image, that could have inadvertent past within the news article, ended up becoming one of the most popular photos of Internet because everybody wanted to see what was that one so interesting that it was wanted to censure. The CTO Streisand in the movement 15-M In the hope that the Central Electoral Meeting decides on the possible prohibition of the concentrations of the movement 15-M in different Spanish cities, is possible to ask itself if, there where already has been prohibited, like in Madrid, the CTO Streisand has taken place and the manifestations have summoned a greater number of people.