Virus Protection

Different kinds of viruses enter the personal computer is mainly from the Internet. The path of the virus from entering a computer is very simple. When viewing a site infected with the virus triggers a special java script, which by the way operates in a client browser, writes a special code is in the folder Temporary Internet Files, which is also prescribed for autostart in the registry. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Ali Partovi. After the next reboot computing system runs a malicious program, which scans the contents of the password manager, FTP-client and takes out the authorization data for accessing the control panel for your site. In plain language this means that the program steals passwords, ftp access to the main directory of your site. And than you have more than one site, then all passwords will be carried by a net. Next, the virus without any help opening session FTP-server receives a listing of all site files and overwrites them with the addition at the end of a special code, and among them an absurd combination of characters.

This addition sformirovyvaet html-element iframe, causing malicious code with server-plantation. And of course the same later inexperienced guests such mutated site stayut victims of malice and than with their Computers to manage their personal websites via ftp, then the epidemic is spreading further. What should I do? How to protect against such banditizma? First and foremost, I want to advise inexperienced viruses saytostroitelyam it does not keep passwords anywhere in osoennosti on your ftp client. Specifically it concerns the Total Commander and his like. Passwords can be, for example to keep in a special plug-in under the title of RoboForm, and best of all just keep on sticky paper Liska on your monitor.

Than this is not permissible, then we can hold a couple of some of passwords in mind. But rather than really happened, so that the virus has got all the same to your computer, then the best method of working to get rid of it crawl comp free utility from Cureit, which not only finds a virus, well and properly destroy it by removing all the entries in the registry. The only rule for a new scanning utility, such as in a few days need to download again. Well, about all sorts of different stationary anti-virus programs can say that they do not provide reliable protection suitable. It is safer to just do the above-easy rules and your sites are always will be in order.