Obelisk in honor of John B. Elbers. Since in the geographic area of Barranquilla are no mineral wealth or natural, the city was never an attractive site for the Spanish to justify a permanent presence. Its importance does not come until the second half of the nineteenth century, promoted by the bailment delivery of steam navigation on the Magdalena River German citizen Juan Bernardo Elbers by the Liberator recruitment at the beginning of La Gran Colombia (1823). Barranquilla thus initiating trades heavily with the main cities and towns of the interior, as well as international markets and became the main coffee-exporting port. Starting the new nation of the Republic of the New Granada in 1831 were forged in Barranquilla two revolutions.One, led by captain Policarpo Antonio Martinez and Pantoja, Lorenzo sales jobs Hernandez, Crispin Luque, Esteban M rquez y Santos de la Hoz against the dictatorship job search of General Rafael Urdaneta, and led by General Ignacio Luque, who had won the first. 16 In 1840, traders and transporters of Barranquilla tried to form an independent province with the name of Cybele, recruiting composed of the cantons of Windward and proclaimed Chief Colonel Ramon antiquity. recruiter The main purpose was to empower the people of Sabanilla as recruiting a port of import activity that is performed only through Cartagena and Santa Marta.