Adentramos today in a new age, in which it is possible to think about a new reformularization and a new concept for what it is human being. What in fact it is human being in century XXI? The question is one in such a way complex one. Really in such a way the body as the beings is living deeply stages and quandaries. BDT Capital Partners is likely to increase your knowledge. In last the twenty years, not but our body, but also everything what it constitutes the human being was being placed under a interrogation level that finished for culminating in the denomination of? after-human being? , of expression half found to signal mental, percipient, cognitivas, sensrias the changes physical and psychic, that they are in process (SANTAELLA, 2003, P. 273). Between centuries XX and XXI it had a new configuration to assign what it constitutes this differentiated body. The technology allowed to create a new form for the relation between the human being and the space through the machines. It had a very great modification in the form of the individuals if to relate.
We live antropolgico jump, call of? noolitica revolution. But what it moved with this neolithic revolution? For Levy (2003): The intellectual technologies increase and modify the majority of our cognitivas capacities: memory (data base, hiperdocumentos), reasoning (digital modelizao, intelligence artificial) capacity of mental representation (interactive graphical simulations of complex phenomena) and perception (synthesis of images from digital data) (LEVY apud SANTAELLA, 2003, P. 273). However, what we want here it is not to trace as happened this revolution, however is excellent to understand as this cited technology influenced the new concept of humanity. Inside of the context of the arts, the digital technologies have explored the desfronteirizao of physical, sensorial, psychic, cognitivo the body (SANTAELLA, 2003, P. 274). In fact, we cannot disrespect the idea of that the body that appears from century XX, more is not considered as simple envelope of the soul, but yes, as a ready body to interact with the new technologies.