To create a foundation on soft soils using knock-in piles (reinforced concrete). Practically all the bases being built today are using them, as it significantly strengthens and improves the quality of facilities. Piles knock-dive into the ground by . The hoisting unit with diesel or hydraulic hammer produces scoring piles quickly and efficiently, without distortion and loss of performance. Reliable and durable, they can help build even on soft ground. If the soil contains layer, such as sand, is used to install piles leader drilling. The resulting foundation, founded on piles used in the construction of houses and other structures. Pile – concrete products, which is used to create a heavy concrete.
Knock-in piles, due to the reference pressure is transferred to the soil load on the pile foundation. Just load is transferred through the lateral surface friction piles of compacted soil. There are several types of piles. Reinforced concrete with a cross section of 30 30 cm in length up to 12m., If the section is 35 35 cm or 40 40 cm – 16 m. Knock-in can be a compound that increases their length. To date, there are many organizations that specialize in drilling wells under the piles and drilling operations in general.
Pile foundations can be divided into several species, namely: Bored piles. These piles are used on all types of soils, but rocky. Initially, the bored piles were used in the construction of industrial buildings, but now also used in housing construction. A huge advantage of bored piles is the absence of dynamic effects on the soil and the foundation of the existing building. It is convenient to use bored piles in cramped conditions, in this the case constructed buildings are not subjected to stress. Drilled pile is a cylindrical structure consisting of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, while the transverse reinforcement thinner longitudinal. Technology making bored piles is drilling a given diameter with a simultaneous or subsequent installation of the casing. After this is installed reinforcing cage, is pouring the concrete, and extracted casing. Buroinektsionnye piles. These piles are similar to those of bored piles, their main difference lies in diameter (usually less than 400 mm.) And manufacturing technology. This technology eliminates use of the casing, that is, immediately after drilling through the hollow auger is casting solution, and then descends reinforcing cages. Pressed into a pile. Are a method push the pile static load, thus excluded the impact on surrounding buildings. Using a static load, while possible to determine the bearing capacity of piles. Static load in some cases may reach 160 tons. Knock-in piles. The piles are reinforced concrete products. Pile driving is done by hoisting installation.