Our main recommendations for 2006 are: Cemig, So Paulo Transmission, CPFL, AES, economic Eletrobrs and Copel.Projees for 2006 After being successful as more good retail analyst in the Investing Prize of 2002, Gustavo Hungria, comes back to appear between the elect ones, of this time as more good analyst of foods and consumption. The executive is analyst of the sector of consumption of the Pactual Bank and this in the institution has eight years. Rightnesss in 2005 the spite of the concerns with regard to the aviria grippe, the action of the Partridge******fem=”perdiz”**** went up 32% in the year. With regard to the retailers, my main recommendation was American Store, data the combination of the expansion numbers of it> For 2006 I wait that the consumption sector continues to present positive performance, data the expectation of a propitious macroeconomic scene to the favorable performance of the companies (low interests and growth of income, mainly). American store, Locate, Partridge******fem=”perdiz”****, AmBev, and Submarine is our main appositive ones. Better telecomunicaesCarreira analyst the senior analyst of telecommunications, media and technology of the Ita Broker, Ricardo Arajo Silva, was elect better analyst of telecommunications, media and technology.
It, who has two years and way in the Ita Broker, also already passed for the consultoria Compass specialized in strategy and M Our great one bet of this year were Net Servios (NETC4). We initiate covering in July of 2004 with sales and the paper answered the height. Later, then at the beginning of January of 2005, we raise NETC4 for top pick, in the way of one complicated process of reorganization of it divides and the action blew up. We had the most absolute conscience of the intrinsic value of the asset and bet very in this. We still kept our recommendations of purchase for a time, and come back to place it as top pick again in the end of July of 2005.