Documentary preservation: According to Concept based on documents ‘ ‘ Politics of Preservao’ ‘ , of the National Archives of Canada (2001) and Australia (2005). The preservation involves all the adopted actions to assure the present accessibility and of long stated period of the physical form, the informacional content and the excellent methods of the documentary registers, it includes the actions adopted from the creation of the registers, permeia and if it integrates to all the activities, of the acquisition to the access, making with that all fulfill to a parcel of this responsabilidade.3 ON the FILM: ‘ ‘ FIRE LENTO’ ‘ The time is to devir absolutely inexpugnvel. Its experience is a close construction of the man. The true film is in elegantssima exploration of the implicit one on the consumings of the time in the document, in books. Swarmed by offers, is currently assessing future choices. The disintegration of the paper and books portraies a future without memory. It shows a book that died and does not have ways of recompor all its structure. It considers the microfilming, that stops the time, was the only solution to safeguard memria.5Hoje, with the scaled fast technological and the option of each time more to produce documents digital, also new forms to restore come appearing, what it makes with that a document that today is disabled of being recouped, in the future can have a new technique of restores. The microfilming is not more the only form to safeguard.
It has the modern digitalizao and techniques to recoup a document. It is added this the possibility of migration of the microfilm for the digital way and the opposite also can be converted. Studious of preservation they recommend the minimum intervention to restore a document. The ideal is the preventive conservation, that is, to use environment and adjusted techniques to preserve the documentation for more tempo.