Jose Marti: “In politics, reality is what you do not see ‘Sthendal:” The appearance is an injustice’ Since we are talking about conspiracies is valid starting with an etymological question, the taste of our friend Al59 in latin, ‘conspirare’ means’ to breathe together ‘. This is a wonderful image: a group of people talking in a low voice, so close to each other aspiring air exhaled others. In my case immediately comes to the memory of the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar. On July 29 1981 married at St. Paul’s Cathedral with Prince Charles of Wales. All royal houses attended the liaison with the exception of Spanish King Juan Carlos I, who declined the invitation because the journey of married couples included a stopover in Gibraltar.
After marriage, Lady Diana would become Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales which became a media star, pursued by the press and imitated by many even in her hairstyle. The princess was also many critics who said that it had an unstable personality. The relationship began to crumble in the late 80 years in public and finally in the early 90’s the gap between spouses was evident. The press largely take the situation to enhance a rebel and a lonely Lady Di and let the Prince of Wales as a subject to be bored rigid monarchical customs with regard to public opinion.
The Prince of Wales had two sons: Prince William (William) and Prince Henry (Harry).
In 1992 the marriage was in fact separated, separation that ended in divorce on August 28, 1996, the lose the Princess of Wales Royal treatment but would retain the title Princess of Wales.