An important feature of the new module is the ability to configure it via the Internet. To do this on a computer that uses the alarm as monitoring station, installed Java Virtual Machine from the CD-ROM supplied with ETHM-2. Then it is necessary in the address bar of any web browser enter the IP-address of the module and alarm log in the system. After This opens the Java-based application with the existing Ethernet-Module settings for adjusting them. When you configure the module from the local machine security alarm system offers the operator the possibility of Satel for unloading and loading data in a configuration file ETHM-2, which is impossible in programming over the Internet.
To do this on a personal computer to install software ETHM-2 Soft and virtual machine Java. Another advantage of Ethernet-module is the ability to programming it so that the alarm is automatically moved from summer to winter time hours and vice versa. Moreover, ETHM-2 allows you to adjust the time according to the rules of the European Union, for an hour or dates at 2:00 on dates. For notification of alarm events fire alarm with ETHM-2 can now use e-mail. Generated alarm messages will be sent to 4 e-mail addresses, and each event can be associated with their individual subject of the message. For example, for signaling events in "Breach of input 1", you can specify the theme "Opening Doors", and events for "Breaking In 2" – "Opening". Besides Data obtained through the telephone line signal from the control panel, Ethernet-module can provide information about its current state.
Visual performance ETHM-2 is displayed using LEDs. Brief flashes of the LED indicate that the alarm is working correctly. Slow and even flashing errors reported in the memory, where stored configuration data, and uniform and rapid flashing LED indicates the process of changing the firmware of the module. New Ethernet-module ETHM-2 has already entered the Russian market, and it can be bought from the warehouse of "ARMO-Systems", which is the official Russian distributor of signaling devices and software production Satel. For more Information on ETHM-2 and other equipment for the fire alarm company SATEL please e-mail or call (495) 787-3342 to manager of sales "ARMO-Systems." The Polish company is working on SATEL global security market since 1990 and specializes in the manufacture and sale of equipment and software for fire and security systems. SATEL produces the receiving-control instruments, systems GSM-alarm system, various sensors signal, light and sound sirens, radio kits and accessories for many security systems. By means of this company can fine-tune devices and security equipment to manage networks of Ethernet, Internet, modem or cellular phone.