On 18 September 2009, at the Museo del Teatro Romano de Caesaraugusta (C / San Jorge, 12, Zaragoza) described the sba loan main lines INDECO project work. It is an international collaboration agreement organized by PHASE, and UNIZAR FEUZ in collaborating experts from Greece, Romania, Norway, Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, France and Spain. We have moved from the information society to change society. The commercial business loans information we are inundated and gives no knowledge, so cpacidades be developed to financing enable people to change with the environment, commented Dna.Mercedes Baillo, Faculty of Social Sciences and Labor Zaragoza. The unsecured loan main objective of this international collaborative network of experts is to generate commercial loan knowledge that allows private equity us to improve the effectiveness of learning throughout life. This will include developing personal skills through innovative techniques such as, coaching. Javier del Amo, Zaragoza representing Global, said that the city provides support for this initiative. In fact, Zaragoza will be the world headquarters of this network. The draft was presented in Brussels soon, looking for financing but in any case, already in finance progress.