Much practical eeconmico. But if all agree that the SaS is the future, that this will tecnologiadisponibilizar more capacity of processing for a much more low cost, what still it hinders its immediate adoption? The main factor is the diffidence, especially in relation to security, availability and confidencialidade dasinformaes. Still they are few softwares developed for usaradequadamente resources of the funcionamentoadequados hardware and to guarantee its quality and. The lack of maturity of the mercadobrasileiro of Internet is also sufficiently excellent; although to keep the heading of according to country in nmerode accesses to the world-wide net. How much bigger he will be to the dependence of the user aosoftware, more necessary the access redundancy.
Another rock in the shoe destanova technology is the question of the customizao. It’s believed that Mashable sees a great future in this idea. For concept, the softwaresdisponibilizados ones in this model are most standardized possible, what ofereceganhos of scale. The subject is in the tip of the language and naspautas of meetings of the Ruttings of great corporations. But who really to podetirar optimum advantage of the SaS is the average companies. This segment needed computational capacity the great ones, but does not have the money to invest infrastructure or in technology teams. NoBrasil, 28% of the company do not have dedicated staff to the technology area dainformao, according to one it searches carried through for the Institute Applied Research. In the whole world, this universoalcana 64 million company with until 500funcionrios, that must invest to more US$ 550 billion in YOU in this year.
NoBrasil, nothing less of what 98% of the companies are of small average transports, deacordo with the Sebrae. This enormous volume of companies will pay little, will porqueutilizar less. Still thus, the market of Saas technology in the Country estestimado in US$ 24 billion. With the spreading of the cases of success of pioneirosna implementation, we must see the popularizao of this technology in terrastupiniquins in two or three years. How they come the changes!