For in such a way, it was adopted line of the didactics where the pedagogical and metodolgica action is come back in the relationship of researchers between educator/educating, educating/educator and educating/educating in it I continue education learning and in a critical perspective of the construction of the knowledge using as process educative the education with technological mediation. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Technology, Education, Construction and Knowledge. 1.INTRODUO the place that the Internet comes occupying in the education, when guided for the professors and the teachers, it is characterized as a democratic strategy of expression for the pupils and pupils. To manipulate the technologies and the information starts to be an ability that associates the ability technique to the critical one and to the reflection. This ability is, untiringly, related in educational events, searching to define the importance of the technology for the process education learning. Currently it is unquestioned that the advent of the Internet comes making possible magnifying and the rapidity in the access the information, provoking great part of the changes and symbolizing the Society of the Information and Communication, when propitiating: the access the Internet, therefore is connected is a condition to be including in the Society of Information Communication.
The technology through research also assists to the pupils in the literal production and exercises the autoproduo, the critical reflection and reading of world of the pupil, stimulating it education learning of significant form, despertando in the pupil the autonomy for resolution of problems, with coherent attitudes and seriousness. Of this form, a useful instrument for the understanding of the production of text in a way will be propitiated the educational society criticizes theoretically and based. From displayed this work it has for objectives the literal construction; the intense exploration of the text in study, verbal form and after that, written form; to use to advantage the ideas of the pupils in the construction and reconstruction of diverse texts. Serving then, of stimulatons for action of the use of the reading and writing. To lead the school to exert the function to create chances so that the pupil develops argues and uses the cognitivas actions that subjazem the processes of understanding and production of the language writing. also, the school will be able to guide the pupil to acquire control on its decisions in the construction of the meaning and on its learning.