Background. In the Middle Ages were known attempts to create vehicles, which were supposed to move by force of wind or muscle power sitting in them. Quite perfect for his time machine (1752) created Russian mechanic self-taught peasant Leonti Shamshurenkov. His ' stroller' set in motion the power of two. In 1784-91 over the options of three-and four-wheel '' worked the Russian inventor Igor P. Kulibin. In his 'Samokatke' were first applied to such elements aa, as the gearbox, steering, brakes, roller bearings.
With the advent of the steam engine (2 nd half 18.) Establishment of self-propelled carts quickly progressed. In 1769-70 in France J. Kyuno, and a few years in England, U. Murdoch and R. Trevithick built a steam-AA to some extent common steam ag received 19., Eg steam cars G. Gurney and W. Hancock (England) , A. Ball, A.
De Dion and L. Serpolle (France). In 30-ies. 19. attempts were made to establish regular passenger flights steam A. A lot of interesting projects involving steam aa was in Russia. Inventor and entrepreneur Vladimir Guriev suggested (1837) to create a network wooden (socket) of roads, which would regularly ply steam-AA trucks with wheel trailers (wagons) in summer and sleigh – in the winter. In the late 19 century. Experiments were carried out to establish the electrical AV-powered battery, and they found some distribution. Russian engineer Igor Romanov developed (1899) original design of the electric cab and elektrobusa. Great influence on the development of design A. had the invention of the differential (1828, O.