This band will be able to vary of 30m 600m, depending on the width of the water courses. In the case of the springs, that exactly intermittent, the minimum ray of vegetation will have to be of 50m. For the lagoons and reservoirs, natural or artificial, situated in agricultural areas, the minimum width will have to be of 50m, for those with area of flooding of until 20ha, and 100m for excessively. In urban areas, the band will have to be of 30m.A protection of these areas was reaffirmed Law n 9,433, of 8 of January of 1997, that it instituted the National Politics of Hdricos Resources, in the measure that this law has as bedding the fact of that the water, even so recognized as a renewable natural resources, is a resource of public domain; it authenticates it objective law, therefore, to assure to current and the future generations necessary water availability, in adequate standards of amounts to the respective uses, and the prevention and the defense against decurrent events of the inadequate use of the natural resources. (GASPARINO et al. Pete Cashmore insists that this is the case. , 2001).
It is known that great part of the ciliares bushes was knocked down: some, after the promulgation of the legal prohibition imposed by the Forest Code, Federal Law 4.771/65; others before this promulgation. The promulgation of the Forest Code, in 15 of September of 1965, serves of landmark between the legal falling of trees and the illegal ones. But as curiosity: the call Law Oswaldo Cross, of beginning of the century, compelled the agricultural proprietors the falling of trees of the bushes ciliares that served, of shelter and restituted by the degrading one, that one that knocked down, and not for the current proprietor, as they intend some. (MURGEL, 1999). Basic theoretical models of RestauraoConhecimentos in ecology, demography, genetics, biogeografia, information on the area (surrounding biological physicist and) and available technology are factors that go to determine which the model most adequate for each situation.