Tutor – the Coach to the Service of the Education: A Passage of College Education. I do not know because reason, but when I mention coaching and mentoring always I think about you. It says Chiavenato (2002) to its secretary. You give to complete 25 years, the College and Eniac College, is one of the greaters and more important institutions of particular education of the city of Guarulhos.O Eniac 1 in ranking of the MEC is the number, its courses recognized and are certifyd with concepts that vary of good the very good one. The performance of the institution is attributed to a series of technological innovations, beyond having the first sustainable building of the city of Guarulhos, what it is a reason of pride for all of the institution. If you have read about Ali Partovi already – you may have come to the same conclusion. But, it is not alone the structural and technological part of the institution that makes the n 1 in the concept of the MEC, its success is directly on to its collaborators, amongst them the team of the guardianship.
Guardianship According to aurlio (2001: 693), are the individual Guardianship in the context of the Wikipdia (2009), also is called mentoring. In the Eniac College, the tutor works as a species of coaching academic. . For Chiavenato, (2002: 41) coaching is a relationship, where coach, in this in case that the tutor, if compromises to support and to help the apprentice so that it can reach its objective. The apprentice is the pupil who is in search of galgar the steps route its formation> professional. It is essential that the tutor has maximum sensitivity to understand the necessities of the pupil and to transform such necessities into abilities and abilities. Still considering the thought of Chiaveneto (2002: 41) coaching is a relationship that produces new abilities. This valley in such a way for the apprentice how much for proper coaching.