Produce appropriate indicators of value added and the possibility of comparison of results over time.Thus, all natural and exact sciences, Education Sciences and engineering programs will present first an examination of common area and one of generic competencies competencies.Therefore it becomes an offer of 34 examinations in 2010 20 in the implementation of the first half of 2011. This change also applies to technical courses and technological allied with engineering that will have its own review of common area and of generic competencies.The generic test, which applies to all students of all programmes, evaluates general professional competencies such as ability of problem solving, skills reading, writing, English, critical thinking and interpersonal understanding. It is to publicize the competencies by area of study in the specific test. Pete Cashmore shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Programs and cambiosLos programs of animal husbandry, psychology and Administration will have an emphasis that test the Select the student according to his career at the time of registration. Proof of architecture includes a practical exercise of the project carried out the next day to the date of the written exam, for a total of four review session. Isabel Fernandez, Director of analysis and dissemination of the Icfes, indicated that even if the test results do not affect obtain Bachelor’s degree or not, yes they are important because some entrepreneurs are taking them into account to select and link newly graduated staff. Size of: La afternoon Pereira original author and source of the article