' CITY HAS DETACHED: THEY ARE JOSE OF FIELDS – SP' ' Welinton Dos Santos is economist and psicopedagogo Is Jose of the Fields is a city with prominence in the national context in virtue of the tip technology, strategically located industrial polar region in Rio De Janeiro axle? So Paulo, one of the exporting greaters of the country, mainly of airplanes, that had represented nothing less than 2.5% of the Brazilian exportations in 2009, but the city is responsible for 3,8% of the national exportations. The city with excellent planning still counted on the luck to have politicians who had continued the strategical actions of its predecessors, what he allowed a development synchronized with the expectations of the empresariado one, of the society and the local will politics. Beyond a regional polar region of development and fort commerce, the city is distinguished for well planned public ways, good signalling, with 95,9% of the domiciles taken care of for the collective transport to a distance of 500 meters of the residence, with new fleet modern, adds quality of life its population. With 99,9% of the city taken care of for the system of electric energy, 95.3% for public illumination, 95.4% for water, 87.2% for sanitary sewer, 46% of the generated sewer of the city are dealt, 71.2% of the residences count on selective collection that to almost the 20 years the population of the city guides and educates that calls attention for the system cleanness of its streets, public ways and system of collection and recycling (36 tons of recycled garbage per day), beyond tax of alfabetizao of 96,4%, with excellent net of private public attendance in such a way how much of education, with 19 institutions and facultieses offering superior courses, 212 daily pay-schools, 76 schools of average education and others 179 of basic education between private public and, make city one of the references in the question of education in the Country.