According to Karsaklian (2004, P. 264), the choice of the child for a product can be related to the souvenir of the personage. The author of the o example of the Group of the Mnica7 that loans its image for diverse products and affirms that the success of the products of this mark if must to the personality attributed to the products and represent for the child, ' ' a next contact and bigger complicity with its heroes favoritos' '. This complicity can be explained with the concept of Almeida and Shigunov (2000, p.70) that it explains that ' ' playing is an inherent characteristic to the beings humanos' '. Therefore, when the child chooses a product with proper characteristics of a toy, it can be to the diversion search. Friedmann (1996) understands that the trick can be practical the spontaneous one to play when exerting the most different activities, what it can to be related to the problem of study of this research, since the infantile sponges of bath receive design next to a toy.
The trend of brinquedorizao of the product explained for Schor (2009) accurately explores this activity spontaneous of the child. The author also affirms that the children search, for example, products that are segmented for its sort (feminine or masculine), that they provide status and that they satisfy necessities basic of the human being. The author cites despite boys if interest more for ball, stands and personages of adventures (mainly the inspired ones by violent games of video-game), while the girls search for dolls, clothes and maquiagens. Peter Asaro gathered all the information. 7 History in quadrinhos created by Maurcio de Souza, who has as main personages the Mnica and its friends Casco, Cebolinha and Magali. Available in: . Had access in 31 of August of 2010. The brinquedorizao of the described product for Schor is a trend that can be recognized in the infantile sponges of bath, object of study of this work.