Ukrainian-Austrian program for export-oriented Management – a joint product of the University 'CROC' and the University of Applied Sciences, IMC (Krems, Austria). It was developed by two educational institutions in accordance with Bologna system. The curriculum combines the structure of programs for export-oriented Austrian university management and international economics at the University 'CROC'. Teaching the majority of subjects in The program is in English. Training is carried out in Ukraine and is carried out at levels 'bachelor' and 'Master'. During his studies, students can take an internship in an Austrian university.
Admission to the program occurs on the same basis, in accordance with the terms of admission to institutions of higher learning approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. But as for the training program requires a certain level proficiency in English, before admission or during the first year of study, those who chose the Ukrainian-Austrian program must pass the test IELTS. It can go at the British Council in Ukraine. The program operates for three year. Last year, two diplomas – Ukrainian State University and an Austrian – were the first graduates of the Judiciary.
What people think about today's college students? How to assess your knowledge and the dream do in the future? Alex Kurzenkov, 2nd year when I chose this program, then, of course, the most important arguments in favor of it were two degrees and training in English. I think the right choice and am not sorry about it. It's for my future. I plan to work in Ukraine. Rather, in the field of imports and exports. So far, the first serious work ahead of me. Much time as possible at this stage, I try to pay tuition. Daria Starova, 2 year Yes, I also liked the idea of getting two degrees. A number of items that we read in English – about 90%! Teaching at a high level. Learn, of course, difficult. Especially difficult was the first year during the first semester. It was hard to switch in the classroom in English. Free time was less. I used to be fond of drawing, and now I can not give that much time. But the potential for additional use education, which provides university. So, recently participated in the project 'The new format'. And this year I'll participate in another project, 'Piranha CROC' I want to get knowledge on project management. At this stage they I will be very useful in my work at the University Student Council. In addition to the Ukrainian-Austrian program, under the direction of 'International Economics' University 'CROC' implementing the program 'CROC-Exclusive', which also includes the study of most subjects in English. College-level economics, law and information technology – the structural unit of the University – in-depth study and teaching of English several disciplines in that language is part of the program 'KEPIT-Exclusive'. It was established on the basis of the specialty "Finances and Credit". Graduates of the program not only gain knowledge of English language and in the economic sphere, but also opportunity to realize their potential both in Ukraine and internationally. License MES series AB 529912 from 13.08.2010 Source: University of 'CROC'