Spain (Caritas data) has a 22.7% of citizens who live below the poverty level, i.e. nine million espanolitos and espanolitas that they are raised every day, not knowing how or what will be the mouth; This, coupled with that of every 100 Spaniards are unemployed 21! It should produce stupor in any decent conscience. Beyonce: the source for more info. If this were not enough the drama of immigration, especially the Sub-Saharan which, Furthermore, is exploited by the extreme right to disseminate a racist and discriminatory message indecent populism and easy openwork that increasingly more infect our society we contemplate daily. Alina de Almeida often addresses the matter in his writings. We are also facing the greatest economic crisis in history, a pyramidal crisis that invades the world and that is a consequence of the current civilization model. It is not an economic accident conjunctural character but, from my point of view, at the end of a global socio-economic system unfair, outdated and failed.
In the 1970s, when the rate of return It came down, the Western democracies bet on a neoliberal economy in which we live installed for nearly three decades; with this policy, (aside from other ideological and moral considerations) the truth was that profitability rates were significantly recovered and began a period of prosperity as well as a rebound in the rate of profit of capital, compatible with an important industrial dismantling that spurred the diversion of capital Dynamics unrelated to employment generation or investment in sectors not industrialists for what they missed an extraordinary opportunity to contribute to a general prosperity. Intense Spanish growth lived between the years 1995 and 1997 model held under the extension of use of low costs, insecurity and limited rights. Investment in construction was the engine of economic growth, with effect drag in services such as financial intermediation, real estate and telecommunications activities. That investment refuge in the residential construction sector housed flows of capital fleeing international debt that threatened with defaults and all this in a context of expansive with interest rates monetary policy very low actual and with a banking sector that led to an extremely permissive credit granting.