European Markets

Greek tragedy, but also Spanish, Portuguese and European crisis on the economies of the eurozone, far from alleviated, has dangerously aggravated to such an extent that the possibility that played some analysts, the end of the story for the euro, is a more concrete way. A possible fall of the euro which will highlight is an undeniable truth: the eurozone has never managed to be a homogeneous block and it can hardly be in the future. Greece and Spain bathed red slates of the European markets on the day of Wednesday. The decision last Wednesday by the rating agency S & P risk that it downgraded on a step credit rating from AA + to AA long-term, Spanish public debt did not only aggravate the problems for the euro. Why rating agencies always have to wait that the ordinary citizen realizes that scores of companies, assets and/or countries are too benevolent to begin to correct them? what is one calificadora de riesgo which cannot anticipate vulnerabilities until they aren’t obvious? Luckily for Europe, the Fed took markets calm deciding to keep the reference rate at historic lows and broadcast a statement in which he described a more encouraging picture with respect to the health of the United States economy. Yesterday the markets rebounded, but on Wednesday a hectic closing, was lived when from Spain stock market learned the bad news of the clipping of the qualification, since the FTSE collapsed in just five minutes and ended with a 2.99% red promising to continue the downward trend to the next day. The unique satisfaction that Spaniards could be found on the day was the possible classification of Barcelona to the Champions Cup final, but unfortunately not that sport satisfaction could have. The cut in the credit rating of Spain comes at an inopportune moment in which the Spanish Government is a vacuum of funds and urgently needed be financed through stock markets.