The Intensity

The stability of ascorbate in refrigeration storage was verified by measurement of the signal strength of the ascorbate radical in different samples of the same fragment of skin at different storage in cooling (0.1 to 3 days) as shown in Fig. 2 (d). The average of the intensity of the signal is slightly lower a day after cutting compared with the recorded immediately after cutting, but is largely comparable, reflecting similar levels of ascorbate in the skin. Day 3 after the cutting the signal strength of the ascorbate radical average is significantly lower than being about half that after cutting, and thus ascorbate levels are depleted to day 3. Therefore, whereas every effort was made to use skin samples as soon as it was feasible after cutting, a cutting of 24-hour period was chosen. QUANTIFICATION of the protection offered by filters plots with high FPS: Fig. 3 shows the typical spectrum obtained before and after the solar filter is applied to the skin of the chest.

These data are typical of those used for subsequent quantitative analysis of the protection provided by sunscreens high FPS. Usually there was only a small observable reduction (less than 50%) in the intensity of the signal of the ascorbate radical compared to unprotected skin. This reduction appears to rise approximately to 2 mg per cm2, with very little reduction with higher levels of application. Fig. 4 shows the percentage reduction in the intensity of the signal of the radical ascorbate (taken at the height of the relative field of absorption at the midpoint of the spectrum) to different applications of sunscreens high FPS. The density of the application was calculated as weight measured solar filters applied on the top of the slide of silica plane relative to the extent of the arc of the skin and not deformed of the cellular tissue. The percentage reduction in the intensity of the signal is similar for all 3 brands studied and increases with the application up to approx.


Horses, as well as human beings and domestic animals tend to have a variety of behavioral problems. These editions of behavior can occur suddenly, after a traumatic experience, or may take root deeply in the psyche of the horse along with past experiences. Aggression in horses can be a particularly dangerous combination! Some horses can become biting and kicking, rearing hostility and attack, squeezing its space carrying, bumping him with his head or leaning on you. What causes the aggression of the horse? Any erratic behavior has an original cause. The cause may be physical (caused by pain, discomfort or disease) or psychological (abuse in the past or tension and anxiety. It is important to determine the cause of the problem.

All the horses who exhibit aggressive behaviour must experience a complete checkup at the vet. Other causes may include: * a horse who is unhappy in their environment * Aversion to other horses that share stables * lack of one close relationship with his trainer * lack of training * abuse physical diagnosis of aggression of the horse due to varying degrees of aggression, is important to beware of the danger of aggression signs in horses. The symptom of an equine aggression include: * open their mouths or showing their teeth as if it were to bite * fix the ears backwards * bite * recoil with the leg * rise * attack * bumping him with his head * sounds aggressive, vicious talk to your veterinarian if your horse becomes aggressive or shows aggressive behaviour. Support for the aggression of the horse there are many medications to attend hostile horses that have editions of aggression. Unfortunately these medications are not without side effects, and while they can help relax the horse at a time, their long-term effects are not known.

In addition, the sedatives and drugs which soothe can disrupt the senses of a horse which may result in difficult competitive situations, because it requires concentration and surveillance. Talk to your veterinarian about other alternatives. Natural remedies there are many herbal and homeopathic remedies that can help to reduce aggressive tendencies while maintaining his horse alert. Homeopathic ingredients such as Chamomilla, Kali. PHOS and Cina has been traditionally used for centuries to treat underlying causes of aggression and to promote calm. Homeopathic remedies get work on a cellular level, dealing with imbalances of the horse and promoting appropriate levels of salts in living cells necessary for physical and mental health. Phosphorus and the Asarum can also help strengthen the nervous system in the animal body promoting a healthy mental health and treating nervous disorders. More information on the aggression of the horse the first rule for any horse owner is perform any horse who successfully get with it with an aggressive act will believe he is dominant over you! Horses work within a hierarchy. From the beginning, make very clear to his horse than he It must not come into your space personal you are the alpha horse. This is essential for your safety and the safety of others!

Internet Information

I repeat, I find it an excellent tool to generate interest and adequately communicate your value proposition in the early stages of the sales process. Objective: Tool for communication in both directions with the aim of understanding the problem of a potential customer or current customer and to communicate and present solutions to such problematic. It can also be used to develop Webcast whereby you can convene and make a presentation to an audience varied with the objective of promoting a concept or a solution. It is an excellent tool for improving commercial productivity in the early stages of business development. Resources: Also there are many options on the market for this type of service. I suggest hiring, as in previous cases, of solutions under the service model. WebEx ( is perhaps the most famous or popular and one of the pioneers in this type of tool GoToMeeting ( this is the tool that I use more than three years ago. Excellent choice, very good quality and availability an important for this type of tool complement, is to have a service of voice over IP.

IE tools that enable voice communications using the Internet. For this the most popular tool is Skype ( Use is free to communicate with other Skype users and can also be Subscribe to service calls to cellular or fixed around the world, through the purchase of prepaid time. Search Internet information another of the problems facing as consultative seller is the search for information on the Internet. Many times it is necessary to resort to the Web to find information that will allow knowing the prospect, enriching presentations, update information, investigate the competition, etc. The Web is for me, today in day, the primary source of information for many aspects of my activity as a consultative seller. The problem is that there is a lot of information and is necessary to be able to catalog and organize for future reference or in general to have recourse to it in an organized manner.

Valuable Computer Courses

Certainly we greatly sorprenderiamos to evaluate the myriad of areas of our daily life in which it takes an active part. To put it in other words, there is no process of life in the 21st century, or objects around us, in whose manufacture does not intervene somehow computing. Computers, or to say with greater ownership, micro chips are everywhere, from the modest remote control that we use daily to change the channel or operate our TV, to the way it operates our cellular device, or as the newspaper reaches our hands every morning. Therefore, to realize fully the marvel of technology, it will be necessary to run any of the many courses of Informatics in Mendoza, to enter the 21st century. For auqellos who think that they have lost the opportunity to be updated with new technological developments, simply because the same not estubieron included in their education, or because they believe that it is extremely difficult to learn, especially those people older, should know they are wrong. Now any individual can carry out computer courses to learn how works this enigmatic device which is the computer.

If a creature can intuitively open a game or do any operation on a PC, there is no doubt that you can also do this. It is very important to understand that you tried, really, to create applications more friendly as possible with the user, or is, that its use is entirely intuitive and simple. When the user learns the basic controls, an infinite number of doors are opened, since in this way it will be feasible issue applications, save data, surf the Internet, watch videos online, or what you want to do on your PC. The management of information technology will give you possibilities for new and better jobs with higher assets and capacity of constant progress. The computer is part of all stages of the production of a good or service: from the administrative part, to processing and marketing, all aspects require, for their management, use of computer tools. Learn everything you need to be in tune with the young, and interpret how is your world, and the way they are handled and interact. Social networks are the order of the day. Doing any of the many computer courses in Mendoza that today can be found, you will have accurate tools for progress and better understand the world that surrounds it.

Color Exterior

A building veneered with cellular polycarbonate applied to the facade, offers a different appearance for those who observed him because the corrala Vallecas 51 changes color when it shines sunlight on its facade. Miicro located in the city of Madrid, in the Pau of Vallecas can be seen as the newest form of contemporary architecture and when their buildings are ending and they are referred to by passers-by, they may appreciate a new architectural fact. The building is eight plants and 123 houses, has a surface area of approximately 50 square metres per apartment, and they possess in their functional design two rooms and four penthouses that posen only one bedroom, and Mr. Jose Antonio Tallon Iglesias, one of the architects who signs the project, who has declared that: firstly, the color theme, where we have interested, not so much Green by its ecological image, but by the game of atornasolados and brightness that makes the facade to vibrate, and secondly, sustainability, since clogged panels of six inner tubes and four centimetres thick allow to obtain a greater thermal and acoustic insulation. A material fully recyclable, very low cost of manufacture and transport and very maneuverable thanks to its light weight and Fernandez Lewicki is another participant in its design, it stands out as a third aspect, creativity in interior design. Many architects know that in Venezuela, Pequiven.SA, the signature has designed single-family homes have been called that: PETROCASAS, but which uses the polyvinyl chloride in the form of moulds, which make up the walls of the homes through notches and tabs, introduces which lean concrete, through large blocks moulds, but its completion is white, and they reflect the sunlight that shines on its walls, and has made it possible to design buildings with the same structures, mezzanines of concrete and light cover with insulating tiles to heat, various colors, and have been built in Peru, Venezuela and Cuba.

Flexible Joints

Horses rely heavily on movement and flexibility in daily exercise and horseback riding within and outside powers. Joints of the horse may become stiff and painful with the lack of movement or if the joints are susceptible to injury. When properly lubricated, cartilage enables movement without friction of the juncture. Friction poses a major threat to health in horses. Furthermore, the symmetrical alignment is necessary. Improper alignment puts tension into structures even in the walk. If a horse with poor alignment is running, performing athletic maneuvers, or salting, tension is greatly magnified. The natural way there is much you can do naturally to promote fluency and decrease stiffness in his horse.

Make sure that your horse has footwear appropriate, since the wrong footwear can put joints and muscles at great risk. Check the credentials of herrero. If your horse has healthy joints, keep lots of daily movement to his horse to improve the muscle tone and promote the circulation of the lymph fluid. A horse should maintain a healthy weight to decrease tension in the legs and joints. Finally, always opt for resting a horse that has difficulty, rather than continue with the tension. There are remedy natural containing homeopathic ingredients known for their ability to relieve stiff, sore muscles and joints, as well as help maintain the lubrication of joints. Taken internally, the ingredients facilitate the movement and flexibility, while they support healthy joints in horses.

* Apis (6 c) is used to support the withdrawal and draining routine of excess fluid in tissues and joints. * Rhus tox (30 c) supports the fibrous tissue, joints, tendons, sheaths and can treat common aches and stiffness. * Ferrum phos (6 X) has been homeopathically used to treat inflammation in the limbs, and adapts to those horses that are robust, but nervous and sensitive in nature. * Nat phos (6 X) is found naturally in muscles, nerves, and intracellular fluid. Also used homeopathically for conditions arising from excess lactic or uric acid in the joints and helps to treat swollen knees. ** The arnica (6 c) is a well-known homeopathic remedy used after traumatic injury or a simple tension. This remedy suits those horses that seem to improve with his head down and get worse in humid weather. * Calc fluor (6 X) is a salt biochemistry for muscles, tendons and ligaments. It is also used to keep growing and soft tissues. With a great interest in health issues and alternative medicine. I think that natural remedies and alternative therapies have their place in modern medicine. I am sure that an informed person is potentially a person more happy and healthy.


1 Excesses: accumulations where calculations, there should be no such as fat, cholesterol, adenomas, overproduction of compounds. Example eat lots of sugar, produces much insulin, the body responsible for processing this is the pancreas which would suffer a cellular wear by overwork.The pancreas normally have to make 100 units of insulin, what happens if you eat you triple sugar? The pancreas has to form 300 units instead of 100, do you think that this excess causes something? how are reflected deficiencies and shortcomings?Massive cell death, damage to the integrity of the cell, its functions will deteriorate, he dies due to lack of nutrients. But obviously they have to million die before an organ failure.When the body tries to replenish the cells with material insufficient creates defective cells, and these are tumors that originate and cancers, i.e. If a cell reproduces with little material the new cells are defective. Many problems of some cancers have their origin in the nutrition although many doctors are not of acuerdoUn organ lost cells, and to replenish them need material, if insufficient creates defective cells, arrives and these create tumors and cancers.

If you contribute to your agency 114 nutrients every day perhaps cancer never touch your body 2 – cell reproduction altered deficient and insufficient, see incomplete cellular accounts such as anemia.Inability of replenish cells that arise and die.Inability to repair tissues, repair organs and heal (ulcers, fistulas, wounds). why finally for that need the material that comes in food?To replace cells and repair organs, this is what is sought with nutrition. 3 Inability to defend the Agency, imagine that a bacterium enters the body and the body does not have enough material to create the defence cells and then beats the bacteria to the body and gives you an infection. 5. You stay low in stature. 6. Problems of reproduction, in this case the men do not form sufficient sperm, it takes around 3 million sperm to be able to fertilize an egg.


? The twenty-second Congress of the Spanish society of Blood Transfusion and Cellular therapy (SETS), declared event by the General direction of quality, research and knowledge management of the Ministry of health of the Junta de Andalucia with distinctive scientific interest will take place between the next 15 days to June 17, in the trade fair and Congress Centre of Malaga.Congress of the SETS in Malaga is is an important meeting to deal with the advances of this medical discipline. Medical concepts related to blood transfusion are determinant and influential in many medical areas of crucial importance, both in clinical practice and in the area of research and development progress. 4 Important prizes, endowed with EUR 1000 shall be granted during the Congress. On the one hand to the three best communications free accepted in the areas of organization, management and promotion; Production of components blood: extraction, processing, and screening of communicable agents; and tissues and cell therapy. The other award, which comes under the heading of prize Dr. Duran i Jorda, will be delivered to the best work in the areas of hematological Immunology, haemovigilance, and Transfusion. The delivery will be made during the closing of the Congress dinner. Your accommodation to attend this Congress can make it in one of the hotels in Malaga with category 4 stars superior, our Hotel Monte Malaga, which for this occasion offers rooms to attendees to this meeting. To make reservations at our hotel where we will apply you rate meetings/events with prices from 87 per room and night with breakfast buffet and taxes included, simply click on the following link: book room in the HOTEL MONTE MLAGA important: to qualify for this rate will be indispensable to present at the reception of the hotel updated documentation attesting to their attendance at the Congress/event/meeting.

Improving Human Resources

Improvement continued with the collaboration of all: personal responsibility and commitment to quality. Teamwork is essential for continuous improvement communication, information, participation and recognition. Error prevention and early elimination of the defect. Setting targets for improvement. Follow-up results. Management indicators. Satisfying customer needs: quality, price, term. The obstacles to the advancement of quality can be: The fact that management does not define what is meant by quality. It is not doing the right things, but that the customer feels like and are satisfied. Everyone believes in concept, few in their importance and fewer are practiced. The use of total quality has advantages and can cite as examples the following: Potentially achievable if high-level decision.

Improving the relationship of human resource management. Reduce costs by increasing productivity. We keep in mind, Arthur William Clery, that to achieve quality improvement must go through a process to achieve unprecedented levels of performance. The steps of this process can be summarized as: 1. Prove the need for improvement. 2. Identify specific improvement projects. 3. Organizing for the conduct of projects. 4. Preparing for the diagnosis or discovery of the causes. 5. Diagnose the causes. 6. Provide solutions. 7. Prove that the solution is effective under operating conditions. 8. Provide a control system Definitely keep your winnings, keep in mind what makes Mauritius Lefcovich that every manager and employee should be proud of the products and services it generates, so quality becomes a strong motivator, which gives rise to a spiral growth in the levels of quality and satisfaction. The quality should cover all corners of the company. If not generated internal quality, bad quality can be offered appropriate to external agents. This is why quality is built and generated in each activity, task and process of the company. Every design, every component, every task, every product, every service must be improved every day. To accomplish this, leaders must model your mind and then do the same with that of other staff. Organizations that identify with the importance of total quality is manifested in favor of their development, service, gives way to a new organizational culture, which generate revenues and results that will encourage and enable them to engage in all those scenarios competitive.


With passing of the years people see that although as many conquests, always uncovers that the people which we give value in excess, are the ones that less are imported. It is learned that to make a mistake he is completely human, mainly when forgets cellular on one in the way of a pertaining to school presentation, plus you to remain in the error is completely burrice, mainly when if hurt somebody that if it loves and pardon is not asked for. People observe that those that had created you and had educated you, had forbidden you to leave when you more wanted and you were with anger for such act, those that had said that friend in fact was not a good company, those that had said that boyfriend, not would be good man to namorar, those pessoinhas that they had made you anger when adolescent they complained and you every day to study, if to interest, to make a competition, to make college and to never give up, those where in the hours most difficult of the school they had said that if they could would help you, these yes, deserve its perpetual gratitude and support, these people, deserves its love all, all its devotion. People discover that the time does not recover, and that words badly said do not come back, pain will remain forever. She perceives that the true friends never if go, are always gifts when if more she needs, and no matter how hard they always arrive behind they lament deeply for not being present, and whenever they are for close, they say: ' ' She can count on me whenever precisar' '.

These friends are the ones that deserve the biggest affection. It believes certain things must be valued it possesss while them, and learning does not finish in the first disillusionment that if has in the life. Still it will have a thousand and problems and disappointments. It is prepared for worse, always it desires optimum and always it faces with maturity everything what to come.