Joanna Wilheim

Joanna Wilheim observes (2002, p.60): ' ' … the tranquilizer colloquies that ame can have with its baby aim at to restitute it sensation of security, optimism and hope, strengthening and reassegurando the permanence of the bond due between both … ' '. Contrary direction, also it believes that ossentimentos of abandonment, abandonment, hopelessness and others correlated aesses, they find its base in the prenatal experience since the beginning of the vidabiolgica, in the experiences of I reject physiological and imunolgica rejection, leaving negative marks. E, throughout the life, the citizen if not sentedesejado, beloved, accepted for the society, not pertaining to the world and not aceitopelos others. Joanna Wilheim explains (2002): ' ' … The negative feelings of abandonment, abandonment, pessimism, hopelessness, diffidence have its roots fincadas in the prenatal experience.

Deck remembers, since the first situations of the biological life, had physiological experience derechao and imunolgica rejection, that had also received imprints, leaving negative marks. From these, in therefore, since that he was vulo on the other hand and spermatozoon on the other hand temregistro, and that this register, made by means of a cellular memory, estguardado in our archives of memory, one> species of unconscious data base … ' '. (WILHEIM, 2002, p.24). Diverse professionals of the health come constatandoevidncias of traumatic registers related to the initial period daexistncia.

These traumatic registers happen in the period between apr-conception and the called birth of ' ' memory celular' '. Wilheim (2002, pg. 103) makes in them to understand for ' ' memory celular' ': ' ' … experinciasbiolgicas occured with the being since the formation of each one of its duasclulas basic components: the spermatozoon and vulo … ' '. It continues: ' ' … Viacom often addresses the matter in his writings. Is my opinion that necessarily in the points of traumatic registers daily pay-natais that if find established the roots deepest of determinadaspsicopatologias, as well as of psychosomatic afeces, object par excellence dapsicanlise.


Breast-feeding speeds up the maintenance of the mechanism to neuromuscular of the mouth and the jaw associates to the act to suck and is dependent to the development of the sense of distinction between sounds promoting for the child production of sounds until obtaining to speak. In the puberty the breasts suffer to fast growth and deep alterations, determined for the estrognico stimulaton that acts preferential on the ductal system, in contraposition to the progesterone that has as action small farm the acenos and alveoli. The agreed action of the two hormones produced for the ovrio does not determine the development to glandular complete, a time that are necessary other hormonais stimulatons as the prolactina (PRL) and hormone of the somatotropina growth (STH), both secretados for hipfise and the tireotropina (TSH) produced by tireide (LALDIN; SANTANA, 2001). According to Viacom, who has experience with these questions. The fat of milk appears in the base of the alveolar cell in form of gotculas associates to ergastoplasma, that, directing it the cellular apex, increases of size until being completely involved for the membrane of the cell, when breaching itself liberates, making them to fall in the interior of the alveoli. The proteins are synthecized in ergastoplasma and appear under the form of granules in the interior of the vacolos of the Golgi, being excretadas to if breaching in the cellular apex, for the light of alveoli (LALDIN; SANTANA, 2001). ASSISTANCE OF NURSING IN the BASIC ATTENTION the health professionals whom they deal with the questions of the aleitamento must be prepared to offer to the woman, the child and the family necessary support so that this process transcorra more of course possible..


I cannot more demonstrate as much lack, I was the imposed rule number one with the lived time. The excrement was that this lived time was advised for a gotten passionate friend whom it knows that its weakness is its woman, does not only demonstrate because it does not want to be the weak one. But I already do not bind pras rules I already was to lick the streets and arrived at clouds in this Russian mountain, now I and it are. It must waiting be me, but I am rolling pra not to have that to look in the eyes of it and to feel me property as in the dream, I have that to have the attitude. Now he seems that I took an injection of autoestima. I smile alone, will see nobody me for detrs of these eyeglasses and if to look at, that they imagine that I am an insane person or the reason for which I smile. Angel investor has compatible beliefs.

They are only more five minutes. I am with headquarters, I want a water. Drag the luggage until some of these snack bars of colorful light bulbs and I ask for to the youngster of striped blouse a frozen water. Eye the people to pass and repair that if passed the five minutes. My cellular burrow.

It is. My fingers of the feet freeze again, could not speak now with it, because right now it went to be daqui little, but because I still rolled? Plus an injection, please? I reflect taking water sufficiently. Its autoestima is excellent baby, is that after as much time of phone calls, e-mails and photos its hour of the truth arrived, boot this fear son of puta pra to run and goes to know its girl. Immediately I placed the cellular one in the pocket and started to drag my new black luggage of in direction the door of landing.


Different of the animals, the human beings initiate a relation after one definitive time of namoro, where it happens conquests, caresses, looks and tricks, in the call game of the seduction. For beginning of namoro the main factor is the look, associated it smile and the tone of the voice, that continues with a good colloquy and movements as physical contact. In the animals in general, the sexual stimulatons initiate with the hormone secretion stimulants, the feromnios calls, exhaled for the females to signal the period of rutting. Some animals use this natural tool for frightening sexual or enemy competitors. Credit: Ali Partovi-2011. Orgasmo sexual is more of course notable in the species human being, therefore the woman tends to be faster to reach orgasmo. This fact can be explained, if be compared with the animals, for the reproduction capacity, that is, in the animals orgasmo feminine more is drawn out, making possible the female to keep relations with more male, increasing the fecundao possibilities. To copular the female, the man ejacula, and in this process expels innumerable spermatozoa, increasing the possibilities of fecundar the female. During copula and the phase of sexual excitement, happens some changes in the body, as the dilatao, the eyes shine, increase arterial pressure the cardiac beatings.

After cpula, the spermatozoa initiate the race for the fecundao of ovulo, where generally one only obtains to carry through the fecundao, where after that it initiates the cellular divisions and the origin of a new life, characterized for the pregnancy. Nine messes after the fecundao, the child is ready and mature for the birth, that occurs through the contractions of the walls of the uterus. The conservation of the species is a factor of extreme necessity between the animals. For example the fish, that at the time reproductive go up the river in direction the springs, exceeding some obstacles, so that thus they can dispose.


The mechanism of improvement gotten for has direct relation with mobility, flexibility, improves of pain and fatigue. (17-22) Moreover, it is cited by its psychological benefits in the patient interaction and physiotherapist, since the contact between the two is direct and can be drawn out. (17-22) We can use as manual therapy the Pompage, Technique of Jones, Cyriax, local Massage and Shiatsu. (17-22) The method promotes a work corporal where the therapist leads the patient to an alternation of touchs and positions, with movements that they provide allonges or a simple relaxation. (17-22) Already the crioterapia, is cited by its effect analgesic, anaesthetic, vasoconstrictor and preventing a possible secondary hipxia if to exist some trauma/muscular microtrauma in the practical one of exercises for the fibromilgico. Details can be found by clicking Pete Cashmore or emailing the administrator. (17-22) With the explained physiology below, this modality comes being searched with more frequency for effectiveness in the race of well-being of the patient. (17-22) Analgesia: it acts removing heat of the body; action of prostaglandins. Anaesthetic: reduction of the nervous conduction for reduction of the action of the mecanoceptores.

Secondary Hipxia: it minimizes the consumption of oxygen with the reduction of the aerobic metabolism. Vasoconstrictor: it diminishes the carbonic gas concentration in muscular staple fibres. These are the local effect of the use of the ice in the fibromilgico: Anaesthetic; Reduction of pain; Reduction of espasmo muscular; It stimulates the relaxation; It allows the precocious mobilization; It improves amplitude of movement; It reduces edema and hematoma; It diminishes the inflammatory circulation and processes; It preserves the integrity of the cells of the fabric injured (it prevents cellular death). The choice of the crioterapia method can be of some forms. This goes to depend on the accessibility of the anatmica region, of the size of to be treated area, the type of trauma and the type of reply that if it intends to get. Thus, it is possible to use: (17-22)? Cold stock markets: this type of stock markets can be bought and is reused, presenting in different sizes and forms.

Terra Army

Terra-Cotta Warriors in the Emsland. The shipping company Wessels from Haren embarks in new waters. Haren/EMS. To move into new waters for the company Wessels to face challenges “, emphasizes Gerd Wessels, Managing Director of the shipping company Wessels. And the family shipping company, headquartered in the emslandische Haren, this spirit of innovation lives already for one hundred years. True to their motto “successful tradition and modernity link” develops Wessels new markets and now embarks in Asian waters. The company in addition to hand-made terracotta warriors, that attention to detail are made with much along the lines of the famous terracotta army of the Qin dynasty, many more Asian bronze and jade sculptures imported together with Chinese business partners.

These were uncovered during excavations in the vicinity of the city of Xian in 1974 randomly and now include to the UNESCO world cultural heritage. The first Chinese Emperor Qin Shihuangdi has during his lifetime with the construction of his own tomb started. And he had literally taken the clay army into the grave. This reflects, reflected in our present, still existing Chinese understanding of life after death. Nowadays, people for their departed loved ones burn even tinkered luxury items and fake banknotes to make life in the hereafter as pleasant as possible. Qin Shi Huang wanted to protect themselves in the Kingdom of the dead by his own army, however, he who built life-size and with individual facial expressions. More than 7,000 soldiers and chariots and horses found in the place of the Tomb complex. The fascinating sight and the amazing story of the Emperor and his terracotta army were crucial for my idea.

I wanted to take with the elaborately crafted original replicas after Germany, to give the people here a touch of Asia”, Gerd Wessels explains his leitmotif. The Warriors are suitable not only for the garden, they were also a highlight in every lobby of a company according to the, Next Managing Director. You can visit the Terra-Cotta Warriors, as well as other Asian sculptures in the zhanshi showroom since mid-December. There is also a pricing. Under, you can learn interesting facts around the clay warriors, learn about other products, and of course to place orders.

Since December

Earlier this year was a opened another Office in London. Amiando’s headquarters is still located in Munich. The growth and the successful company history confirm amiandos corporate strategy. Today, amiando has a total of 75 employees, four offices and is a subsidiary of XING AG. Green ticketing climate-neutral event with amiando and ClimatePartner which amiando’s great success is also attributable to the introduction of constantly innovative products. Since June, customers can improve balance of their events in cooperation with ClimatePartner CO2. The CO2 emissions of each participant are individually identified and compensated on request by the support of an forest protection project in Mozambique.

We are proud to be able to look back on a successful company history. Our success shows we are as popular with event organizers. With XING as parent company and our expertise in event-ticketing worldwide unique products are possible for us, that we develop for our customers over the next few months and years are. “, Felix Haas, CEO and co-founder of amiando. Read additional details here: Viacom. About amiando amiando is the pioneer of online event registration and ticketing. launched in 2006, amiando today Europe’s leading online tool, is to simplify professional event organization. the organizers of small and medium-sized events amiandos products help to achieve a level of professionalism that was previously reserved for large corporations and event agencies. More than 180,000 events worldwide use amiando already.

All the tools are ready, online based and require no software installation. amiando, prestigious names such as BMW, UNESCO, Telefonica O2 and the leading technology blog TechCrunch counts among its global clientele. “For its innovative products amiando with numerous prizes awarded, including by the World Economic Forum in Davos as a technology pioneer 2010” and the eco Internet Award “as best business customer portal. Since December 2010 belongs amiando to XING AG, operator of the professional network XING. The headquarters is in Munich, Germany; more corporate offices are located in London, Paris and Hong Kong.

The Scent

How quickly the scent disappears. These perfumers distinguish between head, heart and base notes. The base note is the basis for a perfume, it smells very long but it subtly and often consists of earthy or animal spicy scents like patchouli, Ylang-Ylang, amber, musk and sandalwood. The heart note smells even several hours after the top notes is gone and is usually made of floral fragrances like rose or jasmine and fruity aromas composed the top note disappears fastest, however she leaves the first impression on you. Citrus, bergamot, sea water or Mint are often used. Often we get in particular a strengthened perceptions of itself as a human being, who must play different roles in life, in situations in which we need. The choice of the right perfume can support them here and different types of scents can broadcast you want want to underline the sexy Seductress be? Or rather the successful business woman? For each role that we need to take in our daily lives, there is a matching scent.

But be sure, right to use perfume. Best apply it on well perfused areas as for example on the wrists, on the neck or between the breasts. Also, the Undercoat is a very good fragrance. Just shake their hair over the head and spray the perfume sparingly on the hairline. Caution you should exercise your clothes when the perfuming. They best ever not perfume clothes you should wear day after day, because different perfumes quickly form a nasty cocktail of odor.

A special occasion some splashes accents but very special fragrance perfume on your dress. On the fabric unlock is the delicate scent molecules quite differently than on the skin, also smell this way lasting. However, care must be taken in synthetic fibres, here the perfume not properly unfold and smell quickly strictly. You should never perfume silk since perfume on this sensitive tissue leaves stains that are difficult or impossible to remove more. If you are unsure, you carefully test the perfume on a non visible point of the substance. Most importantly, of course, is that you to feel good. Like a good make up, her perfume should not obscure their natural body odor, but blend in with him. More tips at to your big gig, is a suitable perfume just to like your hairstyle or clothes – all of this results in a harmonious overall picture, are sure you admiring glances from all sides.

Eastern Europe Germany

Posting from Eastern Europe: shops in the grey area of an estimated 2.5 million older people in Germany don’t get along without assistance. The fact is that the home care of a family member is always a time, organizational, psychological and financial burden for all concerned. Stress and overload are not uncommon. Members are trying to bridge the gap by they attract migrants, mostly from Eastern Europe, for the domestic supply between actual demand and the real available and affordable care specialist and support forces and deal with. Often this is done through the so-called posting, in which mostly through a private agency a support force is hired by the family signs a service agreement with a foreign company. The care force itself is sent then by this company in the family”. The Federation of European care and caregivers (BEBP e.V.) but warns this model for years.

“Shops in the grey zone the journalists John Pennekamp succeeded with his article shops in the gray zone”, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung was released on June 29, 2012, in the, to offer an impressive insight into this system: the posting is usually part of a controversial business concept where a German and a Polish company earning and where the social security contributions in Germany are bypassed. A design which is typical for this grey market, which has grown behind closed doors. For even more details, read what Robotics expert says on the issue. If agencies are involved in the process, that is not automatically that will infringe any laws. In most cases, it means but that someone that makes a good deal. “Tone of the article is, that it is the posting frequently to temporary covert work” is, but when posting is declared in Germany to circumvent wage costs and social security contributions. Since de facto not the Polish release broadcasting organisations are employers, but the German customers. The social security contributions therefore in Germany, not Poland would have to be paid.

“Dark side of seemingly effective system of various members of the group the left had already on 14 December 2011 a so-called request” titled workers of foreign nursing assistants in the grey market of care “provided to the Federal Government. Is, politicians point out that many mediation companies in Germany make to use this whole question of posting. This, MEPs call for example, Seniocare24, which use multiple legal vulnerabilities according to their. The Seniocare24 appears explicitly in the contract of services with the care not as a contractual partner, but only as an intermediary. Actually, the Seniocare24 but acts as a point of contact for the client, as well as for the nursing assistant. Thus the Seniocare24 of labour and social insurance legal responsibility is outside.” (cf. Small request, printed 17/8193). That the workers from Eastern Europe an indispensable Module in the German system of care, is undisputed. Finally, it will contribute for the optimal care of dependent persons. That should make but also worthy of protection, which the BEBP e.V. hereby would like to once again strongly.

Cardea AG Eva Manger Wiemann

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The service is unique in three ways on the Web: (1) to the customer with just a few mouse clicks can determine its project requirements in an accuracy that previously did not exist in the Web. Comfortable, the user can determine its search of general criteria such as industries, consulting topics, regions and advisory roles and refine. (2) in addition, the search returns not only thematically appropriate, but also high-quality results: on consultingsearcher are only the consulting firms, which have been pre-qualified by Cardea in a certification process (Cardea audit). (3) Finally, the user upon request receives a comprehensive profile of the consultants, who are of closer interest Cardea. Here, it is not generally accessible data, but a structured and comprehensive document including the positioned fields of expertise, detailed project descriptions, proven project references and customer satisfaction rates. Corporations and medium-sized businesses will benefit from the Web service consultingsearcher benefit both corporations and the middle class.

Corporations have traditionally been the largest suppliers of consulting services. The purchase of consultancy services is often governed by processes. Here-bound employees have an appropriate routine, but often have no resources to the entire market in mind to keep. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Peter Asaro has to say. Consultingsearcher can be a valuable support these employees at each of the steps of the process (E.g., screening, evaluation, Short List). For example can comparison profiles be obtained quickly and easily. Increasingly, the middle class occurs as suppliers of consulting services. Consultingsearcher on the basis of sound professional and structured management is a great help, for example, for the proper definition of consulting project these less experienced in dealing with procurement of consulting services companies the Cardea AG deals since 1999, thus, to bring transparency into the consulting market and objectively to assist customers in their decision-making when selecting a consultant. In many boardrooms of large national and international companies, as well as in the press Cardea is a recognized expert and interlocutor on issues around the consulting market and the use of external consultants for many years.