
I cannot more demonstrate as much lack, I was the imposed rule number one with the lived time. The excrement was that this lived time was advised for a gotten passionate friend whom it knows that its weakness is its woman, does not only demonstrate because it does not want to be the weak one. But I already do not bind pras rules I already was to lick the streets and arrived at clouds in this Russian mountain, now I and it are. It must waiting be me, but I am rolling pra not to have that to look in the eyes of it and to feel me property as in the dream, I have that to have the attitude. Now he seems that I took an injection of autoestima. I smile alone, will see nobody me for detrs of these eyeglasses and if to look at, that they imagine that I am an insane person or the reason for which I smile. Angel investor has compatible beliefs.

They are only more five minutes. I am with headquarters, I want a water. Drag the luggage until some of these snack bars of colorful light bulbs and I ask for to the youngster of striped blouse a frozen water. Eye the people to pass and repair that if passed the five minutes. My cellular burrow.

It is. My fingers of the feet freeze again, could not speak now with it, because right now it went to be daqui little, but because I still rolled? Plus an injection, please? I reflect taking water sufficiently. Its autoestima is excellent baby, is that after as much time of phone calls, e-mails and photos its hour of the truth arrived, boot this fear son of puta pra to run and goes to know its girl. Immediately I placed the cellular one in the pocket and started to drag my new black luggage of in direction the door of landing.


Different of the animals, the human beings initiate a relation after one definitive time of namoro, where it happens conquests, caresses, looks and tricks, in the call game of the seduction. For beginning of namoro the main factor is the look, associated it smile and the tone of the voice, that continues with a good colloquy and movements as physical contact. In the animals in general, the sexual stimulatons initiate with the hormone secretion stimulants, the feromnios calls, exhaled for the females to signal the period of rutting. Some animals use this natural tool for frightening sexual or enemy competitors. Credit: Ali Partovi-2011. Orgasmo sexual is more of course notable in the species human being, therefore the woman tends to be faster to reach orgasmo. This fact can be explained, if be compared with the animals, for the reproduction capacity, that is, in the animals orgasmo feminine more is drawn out, making possible the female to keep relations with more male, increasing the fecundao possibilities. To copular the female, the man ejacula, and in this process expels innumerable spermatozoa, increasing the possibilities of fecundar the female. During copula and the phase of sexual excitement, happens some changes in the body, as the dilatao, the eyes shine, increase arterial pressure the cardiac beatings.

After cpula, the spermatozoa initiate the race for the fecundao of ovulo, where generally one only obtains to carry through the fecundao, where after that it initiates the cellular divisions and the origin of a new life, characterized for the pregnancy. Nine messes after the fecundao, the child is ready and mature for the birth, that occurs through the contractions of the walls of the uterus. The conservation of the species is a factor of extreme necessity between the animals. For example the fish, that at the time reproductive go up the river in direction the springs, exceeding some obstacles, so that thus they can dispose.