Cellular Aging

After 28 years your body begins to stop producing collagen, i.e. starts to lose the ability to create enough collagen, thus begins with the aging cycle. Therefore, it is very important to begin to learn to manage and combat this natural process in humans. By increasing the levels of collagen in the body through any supplement or food, begins to look younger and much more beautiful, the wrinkles disappear from your face, your nails become more strong, your tabs look better, your joints are more strong and above all your bones significantly improve. Your skin looks more lozana, smoother and younger. Collagen can be taken with food supplements, or can be rubbed on the body creams for the face and the skin through.

In addition to this, there are different ways that you can use to stimulate the creation of collagen in your body. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, try to be happy, happy, relaxed, maintain good eating habits. Make sure that our body consume the mineral debiidos and vitamins for their nutrition, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, and especially sleeping very well. Today there are a wide variety of products that contain collagen, hydrolyzed collagen so it is absorbed more quickly in the body. There are supplements using powders that, mixed with your favorite drink, especially juices provide you enough collagen to rejuvenate and look younger and prettier. Internet is a good way to find all the products anti-ageing, rejuvenating, or to stop Cellular Aging, whether food supplements, powders, anti-aging creams, pills that can return the collagen your body has lost. Some of these products are very good and give you wonderful results once you start taking them or to use them in your skin… The best combination that you can carry out is to take this type of food supplements and at the same time apply on your skin and face cream anti-aging to help you rejuvenate in a way more fast and safe. Therefore, I suggest that if you’re already around 26 0 30 years, empiezes to take a nutritional supplement that may increase you levels of collagen in your body and in this way you can continue looking young, beautiful and very healthy.

Zine El Cellular

Flix Maier (*) the recent events observed in Egypt and other Arab countries had been described for the Isto magazine as ' ' Revolutions for the Internet' '. In Egypt, the fall of arm between the manifestants and Hosni Mubarak, since day 25 of January, caused the resignation of the president in day 11 of February, after a balance of more than 300 died. Everything started in Tunisia, when ambulant salesman set fire fire to the proper body, in protest against the truculncia of the policy. The social nets, as the Facebook and the Twitter – beyond the cellular telephones – had been the main used ways to congregate the manifestants tunisianos and culminated There in the resignation of president Zine El-Abidine Ben, that exile ran away it after to surrupiar the state treasury. In a effect domin, ' ' yearnings of the street rabe' ' if they had spread to Morocco, Mauritnia, Imen, Om, Egypt, Sudan, Lybian, Jordan, Algeria and Bahrein, with consequences even in Thailand and the Anger. The communist regimen of China treated to erase the word ' ' Egito' ' in the research of the Google. According to ONU, already exists 2 billion internautas and 5,3 billion cellular in our planet. I, particularly, twist so that one occurs ' ' revoluo' ' similar in Cuba. Unhappyly, this is practically impossible, since in the Island the Internet precarious and is censured, with available regular service for that they go there to make tourism, only including sexual, as it occurs with the petistas and types as the actor Jack Nicholson, that are magic with that country, that if before delights with tragos of mojitos and puffs of Havana after fogosas mounted in jineteras local By the way, the Cuban blogueira Yoani Sanchez, in article in the Estado (13/2), thus wrote: ' ' The scene lasted some seconds in the screen, a flash fugaz that in them it recorded in the retina the image of thousand of people protesting in the streets of the Cairo.

Education Cellular

22 Corroborating with the vision of the representative of the executive of the city of Rio De Janeiro, exists proposals of use of the cellular one in classroom as pedagogical instrument. Between days 14 and 16 of julho/2011, &#039 happened in Campinas/SP a workshop; ' Reading of Different Medias and Use of Cellular in the Room of Aula' '. The workshop is part of the V National Seminary ' ' The Professor and the Reading of Periodical Education, Media and Teaching Formation, that if realizazou in the UNICAMP' '. This seminary was promoted by the Association of Reading of Brazil (ALB), Program Periodical and Education/National Jornais Association (ANJ), College of Education of the UNICAMP and Group ALLE, and Net Anhanguera de Comunicao. Account still with support of the CAPES, FAEPEX, FAPESP and CNPQ.

The educators, ngela Junker and Elizena Cortez, coordinators of the Project ' Post office in the School, of the periodical Popular Post office, Campinas/SP' they had said in interview 23 on the subject, and had strengthened the subject as the following rank: Our pupil is not a digital immigrant, therefore already he is born inserted in the miditico context and if he uses of these resources for its social interaction. The texts, images and sounds become available the measure that the user covers the existing linkings between them he uses and them in the daily one, therefore if most of the pertaining to school time, our pupils pass in the school, as they go to dissociate these resources of its academic life? In turn, Vitorino Seixas, 24 educator in Portugal, approaches in its Blog 25 articles with stories of some proposals with the adequate use of the cellular a service of the professor. It also has in ' ' Blog of the Formao' ' , postado for educator given the same interesting on use of cellular in the schools. .

Case Cellular

Devices of television also emit rays X, a still more dangerous radiation, and we do not hear to speak of problems. An only photon of rays X is enough to cause damages, to the step that nor all ftons of microwaves of the world would make the same (the amount of ftons received from the television falls with in the distance – for that is that the proximity of the device increases the risk). We go to assume that exactly thus the microwaves of the antennas of cellular make badly. Still thus, the amount of radiation received from the transmitter would be lesser of what that one that we receive when we attend a bag of pipocas to turn in our oven of microwaves. An exception: although the microwaves not to breach our molecules, them can enter in resonance with water molecules gifts in our body, esquentando it. But again in this in case that, our ovens of microwaves and light bulbs are much more ' ' perigosos' ' of what an antenna of cellular in the neighborhoods, for being much more next. Science works with experiments that can refute theories.

In the case of the radiations emitted for cellular telephones, studies epidemiologists are in progress to try to verify if the devices are really safe. We can foresee that the studies will conclude for the security of the same ones. Of the opposite, good part of the current physics and chemistry would have of being rejected of one alone time due to these studies. for the gigantic number of careful research carried through until the moment, the probability of good part of the current scientific knowledge to be wrong is lesser of what the probability of that this is plus a rumor. Add to your understanding with Mikkel Svane. For only precaution, I only exaggerate of precaution left to dicar here. It looks for to use cellular the least possible time, at least science to even prove definitively that the waves do not bring problems. Although acretite that does not have problems. They do not leave children to use cellular therefore are in formation and it is not good for risking. Pregnate women must prevent the constant use of cellular, therefore not exite studies that says they can of problem or in this in case that, however it is not for giving porblemas but as it said is not pure excess of precaution. just in case we go to be displayed the least possible time with cellular on.